This parameter is for selecting the type of transaction.
NOT_AVAILABLE : Transaction is waiting for the payment to be finished
PROCESSING : Minting is being processed
MINTED : Transaction is minted
FAILED: Transaction is failed
REJECTED: Transaction is rejected
REFUND: Transaction is refunded
PAID : Transaction is paid
WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT: Transaction is waiting for payment
EXPIRED: The payment request is expired
REQUESTED: Transaction has been requested
IN_PROCESS: Transaction is being processed
SUCCESS: Redeem transaction is successful
FAILED: Redeem transaction is failed
REQUESTED: Transaction has been requested
PROCESSING: Transaction is being processed
SUCCESS: Bridge transaction is successful
FAILED: Bridge transaction is failed
This parameter filters the transaction based on the origin chain ID. Currently the available chain is Polygon: 137 and BNB Smart Chain: 56.
This parameter filters the transaction based on the target chain ID. Currently the available chain is Polygon: 137 and BNB Smart Chain: 56.
This parameter filters the transaction based on the maximum IDRX amount transacted.
This parameter filters the transaction based on the minimum IDRX amount transacted.
This parameter filters the transaction based on the transaction hash.
This parameter filters the date in an ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
This parameter filters the amount in an ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
(String) Required:
This parameter specifies the page number of the data to be retrieved.
(String) Required:
This parameter specifies the amount of data to be retrieved per page.
For DEPOSIT_REDEEM type, the transfer tx hash of the USDT deposit transaction.
For DEPOSIT_REDEEM type, the IDRX burn tx hash of the USDT deposit transaction.
Example Request
curl '<>' --header 'idrx-api-key: <API_KEY>' --header 'idrx-api-sig: <signature>' --header 'idrx-api-ts': <timestamp>'
If the request is successful, the response will be as shown below:
Example for transactionType MINT:
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "success",
"metadata": {
"page": null,
"perPage": null,
"pageCount": null,
"totalCount": 1
"records": [
"id": 311,
"paymentAmount": 54500,
"merchantOrderId": "20231219101707",
"productDetails": "Minting IDRX",
"customerVaName": "JOHN SMITH",
"email": ";IDRX",
"chainId": 137,
"destinationWalletAddress": "0x8BD53F7fF88fD895D3686fe6369a07432822d30F",
"toBeMinted": "51500",
"merchantUserInfo": 411,
"createdAt": "2023-12-19T10:17:07.903Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-19T10:57:15.197Z",
"paymentStatus": "PAID",
"expiryTimestamp": "1703197027900",
"reference": "D11808T8GVTL81VV2U7HV",
"txHash": "0xb8a0b017d96b49813814026cd01a3ceb169b33ab01b895c222c36c241d2ad3cb",
"qredoTxId": "2Zl4ZG8dr5tyfdSfm6aF3PrpxU4",
"adminMintStatus": "MINTED",
"userMintStatus": "MINTED",
"reportStatus": "APPROVED",
"requestType": "",
"userId": 101,
"refundStatus": null
Example for transactionType MINT with requestType usdt
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "success",
"metadata": {
"page": null,
"perPage": null,
"pageCount": null,
"totalCount": 1
"records": [
"id": 10,
"paymentAmount": 22320,
"merchantOrderId": "20231004154713",
"productDetails": "Minting IDRX",
"customerVaName": "JOHN SMITH",
"email": ";IDRX",
"chainId": 137,
"destinationWalletAddress": "0x4313816F7Bfcff384053C70365eb6F3a4dbDD39f",
"toBeMinted": "17320",
"merchantUserInfo": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-10-04T08:47:13.910Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-04T08:51:33.692Z",
"paymentStatus": "PAID",
"expiryTimestamp": "1696495633902",
"reference": "DS1507923ZZSZSKOMRNDZD23",
"txHash": "0x575f9495e3dd0d629a732e4e4c787954368350f2dc379df7d6588654bee69526",
"qredoTxId": "2WI9cLKJm66tsZy6jhdXOfmnJmH",
"adminMintStatus": "MINTED",
"userMintStatus": "MINTED",
"isApproved": true,
"reportStatus": "NONE",
"requestType": "usdt",
"userId": 101,
"refundStatus": null,
"usdtRequest": {
"destinationWalletAddress": "0x8bd53f7ff88fd895d3686fe6369a07432822d30f",
"chainId": 137,
"transferTxHash": "0x65a8bfbcf9b6de2d6115d27033d16c8bc3220fc95f3c146a13ce92ead4a54de6",
"usdtRequested": "1.11",
"amountIdrx": 17320,
"amountUsdt": "1.10975",
"swapTxHash": "0xc9629766275e50982e6b2b12f9bb87f4ac469c036dd066899e2b2a53acd76d12",
"status": "SUCCESS"
Example for transactionType BURN:
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "success",
"metadata": {
"page": null,
"perPage": null,
"pageCount": null,
"totalCount": 1
"records": [
"id": 121,
"userId": 411,
"txHash": "0xa38c057222872d8e3d106ab5f9b86b7d1d6ade72d485eb01366650e45c8a65d0",
"amount": "16000",
"bankName": "BANK CENTRAL ASIA",
"bankAccountNumber": "5260759037",
"burnStatus": "SUCCESS",
"createdAt": "2023-12-19T11:05:42.583Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-19T11:33:53.865Z",
"bankCode": "014",
"custRefNumber": "000028881450",
"disburseId": 17610583,
"fromAddress": "0x8BD53F7fF88fD895D3686fe6369a07432822d30F",
"chainId": 137,
"requester": "JOHN SMITH",
"bankAccountName": "WILDAN RAMADHAN ",
"bankAccountNumberHash": null,
"notes": null,
"reportStatus": "APPROVED"
Example for transactionType DEPOSIT_REDEEM:
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "success",
"metadata": {
"page": null,
"perPage": null,
"pageCount": null,
"totalCount": 1
"records": [
"id": 8,
"address": "0x4313816f7bfcff384053c70365eb6f3a4dbdd39f",
"transferTxHash": "0xfba5abf029e8c7a29ee71a5a92366b5e776ee10bdcdf6df69bc512dce9742f41",
"tokenFrom": "usdt",
"amountFrom": "112",
"swapTxHash": "0x3ad1724f31b146eda4ba1fe90214548180919b33df9b85f510d671f6ea5d9210",
"amountTo": "1692000",
"burnTxHash": "0x191967dc3cd12924027762ff9f90a069394c070baf5bf37afffa44b85b42c108",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"createdAt": "2024-01-09T09:15:02.048Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-11T09:52:48.060Z",
"tokenTo": "idrx",
"toAddress": "0xddb154f503ccd047555a976b01069471a0ab4068",
"userId": 101
Example for transactionType BRIDGE:
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "success",
"metadata": {
"page": 1,
"perPage": 10,
"pageCount": 1,
"totalCount": 3
"records": [
"id": 3,
"userId": 1,
"bridgeFromChainId": 80001,
"bridgeToChainId": 97,
"txHashBurn": "0x38ef6a20db393505fbae51f5f9ec9197013cee21bccafabf8ef37261aa2039d9",
"txHashMint": null,
"qredoTxId": null,
"signedTx": null,
"bridgeNonce": "0",
"amount": "100000",
"bridgeStatus": "REQUESTED",
"deleted": false
Last updated